The importance of BMW Motorrad rider training

BMW Motorrad offers training courses for a variety of motorcyclists

Motorcycles remain popular and for good reason, nothing beats the freedom and exhilaration of hitting the open road on two wheels. In addition with the fuel price continually increasing, many motorists are looking at getting back on two wheels due to the massive fuel consumption benefits that they offer.

However, riding a motorcycle places the rider at an increased risk for injury compared to for example occupants in a car, when involved in an accident. Motorcyclists are exposed with no crumple zone or airbags to keep them safe.

Combine this with the level of driving on our roads and the prospect of starting out as a novice rider or getting back on two wheels after a long absence can be daunting.

While motorcycling is most certainly dangerous, riders can mitigate those risks by ensuring that they are well-trained and safe riders. By being the best rider you can be, you give yourself the best chance of survival.

Motorcycle training helps riders become more vigilant, develop presence of mind while on the road and promotes defensive riding, situational awareness and proactive thinking. As a motorcycle rider, you need to think for motorists and be able too predict their next move, especially when commuting.

BMW Motorrad understands the importance of rider training, which is why they offer complimentary courses at their accredited facilities, when purchasing certain motorcycles. These facilities, located around the country, are designed to make you a better rider, no matter your background and welcome riders on all makes of motorcycles. There are courses on offer that cater for everyone, from novices to experienced riders.

While motorcycles have become extremely sophisticated with the addition of safety technology such as ABS, stability control and a variety of modes, they have also become heavier, especially at the top end of the market and this requires a different riding style to that of a lightweight motorcycle for example. BMW’s accredited Motorrad training courses have developed bespoke exercises to help riders get to know their own motorcycles intimately in order to enjoy them to their full potential, but most importantly be safe while doing so.

These courses include everything from detailed discussions related to the physics and theory of riding a motorcycle to practical demonstrations under the guidance of expert instructors. They also give riders the opportunity to practice and master various techniques in a safe environment. The more confident and skilled you are, the safer a rider you will be.

Like many things, riding a motorcycle is a perishable skill, which can only be perfected by experience and time in the saddle. It is however important to have a good foundation of the correct techniques to prevent the development of bad habits and it is here where these courses are worth their weight in gold.

No matter your skill level or years of riding experience, there is a BMW Motorrad riding course for you and you are guaranteed to learn something and ride away a more confident, safer rider.